
Briefest Write-Ups in history continue with no end in sight!  Too much retirement travel on hand! Pffffft… ✈️💤🥱

Hello all! It has been a hectic and fun early summer… with me galavanting off to Aruba and Scottsdale, Arizona, and Connecticut (to name a few recent destinations). In another week or so my good friend Chris (from Oka Luda Games in France) will be coming to visit for 3 weeks and we’ll be traveling about and going to Gen Con and hanging out at the beach and visiting NYC… you get the idea!  Oh, and I’m still on schedule to begin home construction toward the end of August… yeah.. just a few things happening.  😬😅

“Bundle” details…

This Upstart listing has shifted to accommodate the wooden game box inserts and the boxed neoprene play mat sets that I finally got sorted!  So there are now THREE bundles!! [this update took place on 10 DEC 2023]

[Now… admittedly… by the time most of you see this, it will probably be down to just two bundles because I found one copy of Earth with the KS goodies… and I figure that is going to disappear very quickly. Sorry friends! But, to whomever snagged that one copy – ENJOY!! 🎉]

Anyhoo… the bundles…

The first bundle includes a copy of the base game – Earth – along with the bag of Kickstarter Goodies (all the exclusive stretch goal related stuff).  This sachet of Kickstarter Goodies is not included with the standard retail version of the game… but I mean… like… this is Upstart and all… ☺️

The second bundle is just the box of 5 neoprene playmats for Earth.  These are the playmats manufactured by the Inside Up team… not the Etsy copies or whatever is floating around out there 😉  Side note – those Etsy mats may be lovely… no ill intent here… just wanted to be clear that they are the official mats. 🫡

The third bundle is the wooden insert for the Earth Game Box. This is also the one manufactured by Inside Up Games (I mean, they don’t actually make them themselves… hehe… but you know what I mean). As a quick related aside… if you’re ever looking for custom board game inserts, I HIGHLY recommend Tower Rex on Etsy.  I have a number of their inserts and they are wonderful! I am not affiliated with them in any way and I’m not getting a kick back for recommending them (in case that wasn’t obvious)… I just really like their stuff!! And I smile every time I remove the box cover on my painted Blood Rage set; which is stowed in their wooden box insert for same. Number sign WINNING! 😉

As always, please reach out with any questions!! I’m almost always available unless I’m driving, flying, or asleep! 😂😅🚗✈️💤

And OK… sometimes I might be available while flying… 😉

Kickstarter Campaign Link – to check and see all the juicy exclusives and gear! 🥝

Oh yes… the original Kickstarter campaign can be found HERE.

Again… sooo sorry, everyone! I’ll get back in the swing at some point… argh! 🏴‍☠️

Ages: 13+
Players: 1 – 5
Play Time: 45 – 90 minutes
SKU: Inside Up 003
At the time of this listing (JULY 2023) this KS goodies edition was
selling for $95 and up on eBay and other sites.
Our Price: $59.50 (just $9.50 more than the non KS goodies versions selling out there)🥳 
Link to BGG:



Earth and the kickstarter goodiesEarth… by Inside Up games and Maxime Tardif… plus, the bag of Kickstarter goodies! Ohhhhhhhh… sooo sweeeeeet! 🧁🎉 Also, added in DEC 2023 –> The Earth wooden box insert kit and the official Earth 5-neoprene mat box sets!

Earth, the soil that supports and sustains our beautiful planet, Earth. Over thousands of years of evolution and adaptation the flora and fauna of this unique planet have grown and developed into amazing life forms, creating symbiotic ecosystems and habitats.

It’s time to jump into these rich environments and create some amazing natural synergies that replicate and extrapolate on Earth’s amazing versatility and plethora of natural resources. Create a self-supporting engine of growth, expansion and supply where even your unused plants become compost for future growth.

Earth is an open world engine builder for 1 to 5 players with simple rules but tons of strategic possibilities. With its encyclopedic nature and the enormous number of unique cards and combinations, every single game will allow you to discover new synergies and connections, just as our vast and fascinating world allows us to do!

—description from the publisher

Additional information
Weight 6.2 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 13 × 4 in
Inside Up

Earth base game and Kickstarter goodies, Earth playmat set, Wooden Box Insert for organizing Earth


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Stop in… look around… stay a bit. Maybe even pick up a Deluxe or Kickstarter Edition copy of that game you forgot to back. Upstart Boardgamer; your Friendly Local Game Store – online. All games are sold with the express permission of their publisher.


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