The list follows 😊 (let me know if I missed something amazing!)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Adventures in Neverland
- Atlantis Rising - Core game, Monstrosities, Deluxe Component Upgrade Kit, Playmat. Promos, Expanded Difficulty mini-exp
- AutoBahn - Cezar and Kuly at Alley Cat Games - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- Bardwood Grove - deluxe, metal coins, spirits of the grove, merchants x-over, KS pack
- Black Rose Wars Rebirth! - Rebirth Pledge
- Doomensions Deluxe
- Foundations of Rome: Roads of Fortune
- Honey Buzz Fall Flavors Deluxe and Cornucopia Promo
- ISS Vanguard
- Lords of Ragnarok - Collectors all-in and monster variety pack and Valkyrie hero - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- Lying Pirates - The Race for the Pirate Throne
- Merchant's Cove - Master Craft - Mega Box!
- Moon - 12 deluxe copies and 12 expansions - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- Mythwind - Core, Exp Horizons, Extra Minis pack (all "mythdrop" wash), winds of Magic, Event cards, neoprene mat, metal coins, journal
- Nightmare Cathedral - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- Nova Aetas: Renaissance
- Robinson Crusoe Deluxe
- Ryozen - Deluxe - Solo pack included
- Senjutsu - 12 all-in deluxe Ink Drop (includes big box) + 12 senso smaller game
- Septima - Deluxe Edition with Metallic Wisdom Coin add-on
- Sweet Mess (2019 purchase)
- The Age of Atlantis
- The Breach - Titan Pledge - Core Box, Prometheus exp, stretch goals
- The Dark Quarter - the "Whole Damn Agency" pledge - SWEEEET!
- The Fox Experiment - Elizabeth Hargrave's latest!
- Tidal Blades II - the deluxe game, minis pack, backer pack for minis, and RPG books
- Unsettled
- Voidfall - Galactic box and add-on metal structure set - plus sleeves - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- Volfyirion Guilds - 15 Tylaris pride w/Volfyirion Treasure and Journey packs - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
***NEW ITEMS ADDED JAN 2023***- Ceres - newest creation by Artipia Games!
- Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan
- Leaf Deluxe Edition - Tim Eisner... ohhhhhhh!!! - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- The Fog - details still in the works but I'll hopefully have some deluxe copies...
- Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme... TOO COOL!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
***NEW ITEMS ADDED FEB 2023***- Andromeda's Edge - Cardboard Alchemy's next HIT!
- Hollywood 1947 - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- Canvas Finishing Touches - Deluxe Expansion
- Stonesaga... by the epic team that brought us Mythwind!
- Arborea - Kickstarter Exclusive/deluxe edition!
- Honey Buzz Fall Flavors Deluxe and Cornucopia Promo
- Pulp Invasion X3 - The Space Ship Expansion... so sweet!
- Valor and Villainy - Ludwig's Labyrinth and Minions of Mordak - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- Deep Shelf - by the team that did Dinogenics! Yes PLEASE!
- Dig Your Way Out: Dig In Expansion - If you don't know what this is.. check it out ASAP!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
***NEW ITEMS ADDED MAY 2023***- Point City and Deep Dive Kickstarter Editions - Plus Cascadia and Fit to Print KS Editions - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- An Age Contrived
- Teotihuacan City of Gods - Deluxe Master Set
- Trolls and Princesses - Big Nosed Edition - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- Kingdom Rush - Elemental Uprising and Rift in Time
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***NEW ITEMS ADDED JULY 2023***- Divinus - Chest of Plenty Pledge by Lucky Duck Games
- Terminus - Inside Up Games
- Crossbows and Catapults - Warlord Bundle
- Cascadia KS Edition re-release! (Yup... FLATOUT Games) - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- Point City and Deep Dive by FLATOUT games! Kickstarter Editions - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- Fit to Print - Kickstarter Edition (also by FLATOUT... seeing a pattern here?) - IN SHOP NOW :-)
- Coloma Deluxe Edition and New Prospects - Pioneer pledge (Plus a few extra upgrade packs in case you missed them 😉)
- Hamlet: By The Lake
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
***NEW ITEMS ADDED OCTOBER 2023***- Nano9 Games Wave 2 by Alban Viard
- Wild Gardens - Base game, 1st player token, wooden ingredients and source tokens, media exp pack, community exp pack, team exp pack
- Perch - with the Kickstarter Gift
- Vampire the Masquerade - Milan Uprising
- Creature Caravan
- Canopy: Evergreen - Deluxe Edition
- Clans of Midgard and Reavers of Midgard - Deluxe Editions
- Molly House by Wehrlegig Games
- Hello Kitty: Day at the Park - Exclusive Edition
- The Faceless: Amusement Park - Base game, KS exclusives, stretch goals
- Deluxe Board Game Train Sets - Wave 2
- The Night Cage: Deluxe base game and the Shrieking Hollow Expansion (also deluxe)
- Bear Mountain Camping Adventure - Base game in deluxe format with all add-ons except the playmats
- Keep the Heroes Out: Boss Battles - Core game, Boss Battles, Sparkling Guardian, Great Dreamer, Guild Master's Revenge, and Cozy Dungeon Wooden Bits
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
***NEW ITEMS ADDED MARCH 2024***- Final Girl Ultimate Collection - Ultimate Box Pledge - with all promos and gear for Seasons 1, 2, and 3!
- Critter Kitchen by Cardboard Alchemy - Deluxe Edition with KS goodies (Deluxe Dinner Pledge)
- Spirit Fire by Orange Nebula - Total gear to be decided in Pledge Manger... but I'd expect almost all of it! And, the KS stretch goals!
- Moon Deluxe, the Valkyrie, and coin chest #4 (the futuristic coins/chits)
- Calimala by Alley Cat Games - Deluxe Edition with Intrigue Expansion and KS stretch goals - I haven't decided about sleeves and mats yet...
- Thunder Road Vendetta - Carnival of Chaos - Final selections in pledge manager later... but likely a bit of everything! :-)
- Galactic Cruise by Kinson Key Games - Future CEO pledge - Base, Advancements, Accommodations, Deluxe Bits
- Algae Inc. - Game Brewer - Exact pledge uncertain at the time of this writing ;-)
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***NEW ITEMS ADDED AUGUST 2024***- Earth Abundance with all the Kickstarter goodies
- The Sixth Realm - by Final Frontier - including the Deluxe Upgrade Pack and the Echoes of Cavern expansion
- Cascadia Rolling!! It's here already!! Woo-hoooo! 🎉
- Secret Villages and Santa's Workshop
- Bubble Net
- Ada's Dream - Deluxe Edition with Great Exhibition expansion, KS exclusive pack, and metal coin add-on
- Deep Regrets: An Unfortunate Fishing Game
- Trekking the World and the Bucket List Expansion
- Luthier - by Paverson Games - The Deluxe Concerto Pledge
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***NEW ITEMS ADDED DECEMBER 2024***- Emberleaf - Deluxe Edition, w/all KS Ed. bits, & Bag'o'Banners, 5 deluxe neoprene player mats & Bag'o'Colours
- Dinogenics New Arrivals
- Tameri - by Post Scriptum (makers of Wendake... the first game I had in the shop back in 2017/2018
- RA Pharaoh Edition Reprint - Deluxe versions of the base game and the Traders expansion
- Feudum - Septennial Edition All-In
- Mythwind Reprint! All the gear!
- Molly House - the game and the metal bits 😉