
Briefest Write-Ups in history!!

Hello all! It has been a hectic and fun summer and well… I just HAVE to get a ton of new stuff onto the site… and so… the next 8-10 write ups will be my shortest ever. πŸ˜… Sorry for the lack of poetic ramblings and video links and such!

It’s just that SO many backlogged campaigns fulfilled in an incredibly short time… and well… like I said… summer of fun!! πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚πŸŽ‰ (Also, price point for this game is a tip of the hat to Van Halen… Summer Nights, people!! Β Sumer Nights!! πŸ˜‚πŸŽΈπŸ”₯) Mind you, my summer nights are spent quietly reading The Undead series by RR Haywood and sipping a gin and tonic… so… there you have it. πŸ§Ÿβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€“

Ah… 5150… such an EPIC album! I get goosebumps just thinking about it! And, yes… I’m listening to Summer Nights right now! HA! Oh wait.. this was supposed to be a super brief write up.. why am I rambling?!?! πŸ˜‰ Thank you for putting up with me, everyone! πŸ™ Eddie’s guitar playing… wahhhhhhh…. πŸ₯° OK.. OK… I’m done now.


OK. Now I’m done! πŸ˜‰

Bundle details

This Upstart bundle includes the Deluxe Kickstarter Edition of Eternal Palace… and well… uh… that’s it! Haha. I suppose this one isn’t exactly a bundle either… but to be clear, this is the Deluxe edition that backers received during the original campaign with all the stretch goals and Kickstarter exclusives that came with the deluxe pledge! So that means that it includes the deluxe core game, the Labyrinth Expansion, the Exports Expansion, 4 Monument miniatures, a solo mode and all the unlocked stretch goals! πŸ₯°

Any add-ons or other goodies that aren’t mentioned here are not included with this one. Of course, I don’t think there was all that much else… hehe… but in any event, if there was… I didn’t snag it – sorry!

…just so there’s no confusion. πŸ˜‰β€οΈ

As always, please reach out with any questions!! I’m almost always available unless I’m driving or asleep! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸš—πŸ’€

Kickstarter Campaign Link – to check and see all the juicy exclusives!

I do want to at least post a link to the original Kickstarter campaign… in case you haven’t heard of this one somehow. πŸ˜‰ The link can be found HERE.

Again… sooo sorry, everyone! I’ll get back in the swing at some point… argh! πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ

Ages: 14+
Players: 1 – 5
Play Time: 60 – 90 minutes
David DigbyΒ (solo mode designer)
Publisher: Alley Cat Games
At the time of thisΒ listing (AUG 2022) this deluxe edition
was selling for $70-90 on a variety of websites (including eBay)
Our Price: $51.50
Link to BGG:


15 in stock


Eternal PalaceΒ Deluxe is here!!! The latest Alley Cat Games release… and it is GORGEOUS and really well designed! Soooo nice! πŸ˜ŠπŸŽ‰

In Eternal Palace, you are a noble family who has pledged to help the Emperor rebuild his palace left derelict for centuries so that you may gain his favor. You must send your team to collect resources and rebuild monuments. You will also honor the Emperor by painting a beautiful picture of his beloved gardens and palace β€” but others are trying to impress him, too, and only one will have the honor of being chosen as the Emperor’s favorite.

In this game, your team of workers is represented by dice, and by placing them on the game board you contribute towards rebuilding the different parts of the Eternal Palace. Each location is reached based on dice rolls, but if others have gone to an otherwise inaccessible location, you may visit it too by paying fish, one of the resources in the game. Complete tasks first β€” or contribute more than your competitors to these monuments β€” to earn tokens reflecting your overall effort. Recruit new workers to your team, and use the painting pieces you receive as each location is unlocked to “paint” a record of your work, layer by layer.

Who will contribute the most to the reconstruction and gain the favor of the Emperor? Find out in this tense and highly interactive Eurogame!

β€”description from the publisher

Additional information
Weight 6.1 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 4 in

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Stop in… look around… stay a bit. Maybe even pick up a Deluxe or Kickstarter Edition copy of that game you forgot to back. Upstart Boardgamer; your Friendly Local Game Store – online. All games are sold with the express permission of their publisher.


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