
Alban Viard re-releases CliniC in this exciting Deluxe version… and he throws in the Extensions – a boxed set of all previous expansions!! This is Upstart GOLD!

Update! –> Alban decided to crate a cooperative COVID variant for the game… and he donated 2/3 of the cost of each game to the Insitut Pasteur and the Salk Institute for Biological studies! I thought that sounded pretty darn solid… so I picked up a pile of those…. you can snag them separately.

***UPDATE #2! –> I recently updated this listing… please read the update below! (posted on DEC 13, 2022)***

***Update #3! –> I just added the 6th Extension (deluxe format, of course) today! It’s September 12, 2024! It’s n the drop downs.. but it is NOT included in the larger bundle option. to have everything you’ll need the big bundle AND the 6th Extension. Apologies.. but I didn’t have time to do a mega edit of the listing.. hehe. Classic me. šŸ™šŸ˜…

So… there are now big bundles of almost everything (just need to add COVID-19 module separately and you will have literally everything clinic Deluxe), the new Biohazard expansion and the Signed Designer and Artist cards are here… plus Extensions 2 – 5 as their own bundle.. and on and on. Ā Please see the drop down at the end of the listing to get a feel for everything that is on offer. I have been meaning to update this listing for over a year.. and in that Ā time I have ordered more and more components of CliniC… and then some customers have reached out and said, “Hey Drew… do you have such and such for CliniC?” and I’ve created custom orders for the stuff that hadn’t been listed yet…. and.. oi vei! This is why the total number of different components is all over the place. Some day this listing will get back to just being a super bundle of every darn thing! Ach! šŸ˜¬šŸ˜…

The early days…

When Upstart Boardgamer was in its very, very nascent form, I reached out to Alban about the possibility of offering Tramways in my shop. I was even more of a noob than I am now (hard to imagine, I know!) and I really had no idea if publisherā€™s would sell directly to tiny companies. Alban was supportive, encouraging, and above all, a simply wonderful human being who was actually excited about my concept and happy to have me carry his games. Iā€™ve been a die-hard Alban Viard fan ever since.

Now, mind you his creations are SOLID on their gaming merit aloneā€¦ itā€™s just that I experience a bit of nostalgic happiness every time I back Albanā€™s newest adventure! Side note ā€“ if you havenā€™t played Tramwaysā€¦ you need to check it out! Class dismissed.

ANYwhoā€¦ hereā€™s a quote from Albanā€™s Kickstarter campaign to briefly explain the Deluxe version:

ā€œIn 2014, I personally printed, cut and assembled a few hundred copies of CliniC, in my living room. They were sold out within 2 hours at Spiel, in what was a magical Thursday morning. I’ve never experienced that before, and in 2015 I released 3 expansions, which were also sold out. The time has come to finally bring that design into the future and create a beautiful and modern production that does justice to the game.ā€

If I couldā€™ve said it better myself, I would have! šŸ˜‰šŸ˜

Fantastic Artwork, snazzy mechanics, loads of wooden bits!!

You had me at ā€œdoctor meeples.ā€ Hahahaā€¦ Seriously though, so many cool bits!Ā  This is a wooden-bits-driven-Alice-in-wonderland-tea-party bonanza! You get the ideaā€¦ Iā€™ve had too much coffee.

As with most AV Studio creations, all of the critical rules to the game are incorporated onto the game board, tiles, player boards, etc. in an iconographic format. Sure, youā€™ve got to learn all the iconographyā€¦ but once thatā€™s done, you wonā€™t need to refer to the rules ever again! Or, uh, at least not very often! ??

Build supply rooms, treatment rooms, and service hubs as you seek to develop a highly functioning, super efficient clinic! Add a helipad to get patients in and out handilyā€¦ and maybe toss in a garden or two to keep things aesthetically pleasing for your visiting patients. Donā€™t forget the parking lotā€¦ people need places to stow their cars while they are in your facility receiving “high-quality” care! ??? Of course, as in real lifeā€¦ parking can become an issue at a busy clinic.. hehe.

Of course, as you build your medicinal stronghold, youā€™ll need to hire staff to mete out clinical justice. I mean, someone has to SEE the patients after all! šŸ¤£

Adding to the fun (?) of running a clinicā€¦ youā€™ll actually have to consider how the patients move around the clinic, get from one part of the clinic to another, and even how they gain access to the building. No one wants to walk 15 blocks to the front door of their podiatrist’s office after parking their car, do they? šŸ˜³

Attract patients, link them up with their nurse/doctor team, cure them, and get them back out into the world!

Iā€™m not sure if Alban attended medical school.. or if he has a healthcare business degreeā€¦ but he nailed it! I enjoy this game thoroughlyā€¦ but I have to admit that it occasionally gives me flashbacks to my time running clinics throughout my Navy career. Yikes! Fortunately, this game is FAR more fun than actually running a real clinic.. heheā€¦ and there are no personnel issues to deal with. <Drew takes break from write-up to call therapist>

Build the most popular clinic and rue the day!

Score points for buildings, hired staff, and a variety of other things that indicate you are rocking the medical universe! Butā€¦ lose points for patients that werenā€™t seen and remain on your player board.

Three cheers for a scoring system that absolutely replicates real life!

I mean, no one likes a clinic where you are waiting around all day and possibly never seen, right?

Yes. Right!

At the end of the day, the winner is the player who earns the most popularity points! Sweet!

Clinical debrief.

The patient is a 1 year old, box shaped board game of the highest caliber who has experienced increased happiness due to a very successful Kickstarter campaign! Hahaha… ANywho, this is a really wonderful medium/heavyweight Euro with a seamlessly integrated theme (complete with a plentiful supply of sweet wooden bits !) that delivers hours of fun and medicinal adventure!

And, as noted aboveā€¦ just about all of the rules are printed right onto the componentsā€¦ so gameplay is fast and furious… without 1,000 rule checks!


Sweeeeeeeeeeet! <end dictation>

Videos and what notā€¦

Here are a few videos to give you a better idea of how it all comes together!

Rhado… my favorite run-through guru!!

Play through of the original game (not the new, deluxe edition)…

His final thoughts…


First Impressions of the Deluxe Edition.

Solo Playthrough by Tom.


Ages: 14+
Players: 1 – 4
Play Time: 60 – 150 minutes
Designer: Alban Viard
Artist: Ian O’Toole
Publisher: AVStudioGames
$120 in Geek Market and $179
on eBay at the time of this
listing (APR 2020)
Our Price: $89.25
Link to BGG:


SKU AV STUDIOS 004 Category Tags , ,


Clinic deluxe and the extensionCliniC Deluxe and the Extension kit (box containing all expansions for the game).Ā Another fun adventure designed by Alban Viard!!

***Update! –> Alban decided to create a cooperative COVID variant for the game… and he donated 2/3 of the cost of each game to the Insitut Pasteur and the Salk Institute for Biological studies! I thought that sounded pretty darn solid… so I picked up a pile of the new coop mode and made them available here!***

***UPDATE #2! –> I recently updated this listing… please read the update below! (posted on DEC 13, 2022)***

***Update #3! –> I just added the 6th Extension (deluxe format, of course) today! It’s September 12, 2024! It’s n the drop downs.. but it is NOT included in the larger bundle option. to have everything you’ll need the big bundle AND the 6th Extension. Apologies.. but I didn’t have time to do a mega edit of the listing.. hehe. Classic me. šŸ™šŸ˜…

So… there are now big bundles of almost everything (just need to add COVID-19 module separately and you will have literally everything clinic Deluxe), the new Biohazard expansion and the Signed Designer and Artist cards are here… plus Extensions 2 – 5 as their own bundle.. and on and on. Ā Please see the drop down at the end of the listing to get a feel for everything that is on offer. I have been meaning to update this listing for over a year.. and in that Ā time I have ordered more and more components of CliniC… and then some customers have reached out and said, “Hey Drew… do you have such and such for CliniC?” and I’ve created custom orders for the stuff that hadn’t been listed yet…. and.. oi vei! This is why the total number of different components is all over the place. Some day this listing will get back to just being a super bundle of every darn thing! Ach! šŸ˜¬šŸ˜…

Your Town Center is flourishing, but as the city grows, the need for emergency medical care grows with it. Fortunately, you and your business partners have the wherewithal to build a clinic to help those in need of more than first aid. You quickly get a pre-admissions facility built to help process and route the different cases into the appropriate queues. Unfortunately, just before groundbreaking, your differing views of the ideal clinic cause a schism between you, and you go your separate ways, with patients already lining up in pre-admissions. Each of you decides to build the clinic of your dreams, trying to hire doctors, nurses, and maintenance staff, and build new modules, specialized services, and even parking, in order to meet the needs of the patients ailing in pre-admissions.

This is your Clinic!

Build it however you like to give patients the care they need, so you can make your Clinic the most popular one in town!

Possible exhaustive list of differences between the Deluxe edition and previous edition:
– The rules have been totally rewritten
– The rules offer two sets up for beginners and experts
– The rules include a solo variant
– Many bonuses and penalties have been changed such as when a Patient dies in your hospital, the turn order has been updated and clarified
– The box includes a bag of wooden laser cut meeples for the cars, the doctors, the staff and the nurses

CliniC: The Extension

The Extension is a boxed expansion which includes ALL expansions (at least 12) already released over the past 5 years. It introduces several new concepts and includes:

  • the Amenities (cafeteria, dormitory) with the buses
  • the Pharmacy and the Pill tiles
  • the Hospice tiles
  • the Elders tokens
  • the Ambulance tiles
  • the Expecting tokens
  • the 4th floor new player board
  • the Maintenance Shop tiles
  • the Janitors pieces
  • the Urban Design cards
  • the Pillars tiles and tokens
  • the Virus tiles and tokens
  • the Satellite Dish tiles
  • the Intensive Care Unit tile
  • the Public Work tiles !
Additional information
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
CliniC Deluxe

Clinic Deluxe Super Bundle – Base game, The Extension, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th extensions, BioHazard and signed designer card, campaign book, COVID-19 special expansion only, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th extensions bundle, Biohazard and signed card only, Campaign Book only, 5th extension only, 6th extension only


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Stop in… look aroundā€¦ stay a bit. Maybe even pick up a Deluxe or Kickstarter Edition copy of that game you forgot to back. Upstart Boardgamer; your Friendly Local Game Store ā€“ online. All games are sold with the express permission of their publisher.


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